On June 1st we left our home in Belize City to head for the airport at 8:30 AM...
...and arrived to our home in Utah at 12 midnight that night! What a wonderful reunion it was with three of our daughters along with two of my brothers and their wives.
On Friday we drove to Idaho to see the rest of our family who lives there.
When we left for our mission two years ago, we had 3 grandchildren. We now have 6, with 2 on the way.
Seeing Elder Magnusson's 93 year old mother again was particularly emotional. She wears her "You Better Belize It" apron with pride! She was very interested in seeing some of our photos on our tablet.
Our last week was also President Adams's last zone conference in Belize. Watching him and Sister Adams depart their plane is a literal fulfillment of the Lord's directive to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.." (Matthew 28:19-20)
We will greatly miss the companionship of the young missionaries who so selflessly serve the people of Belize.
At this final zone meeting, Elder Magnusson and I were called on to share our final testimony with the missionaries of the truthfulness of the Lord's work we're engaged in.
It was pleasant, yet at the same time difficult, to bid farewell to dear friends and families who we respect so highly and have learned so much from.
We were surprised to be invited to gather with members of the Belize City Branch, under the direction of President Harold Smith (below), on the eve of our departure. They expressed their thanks to us and sang a hymn. Yet, we are the ones indebted to them for this experience of a lifetime to learn from some of God's chosen people.
Farewell, dear friends in Belize. God be with you till we meet again.