Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Recently, we were in nearby Bullet Tree Falls and stopped in to meet local painter Jorge Landero in his studio. Seeing Jorge's work we decided to ask him if he could capture an image of Belize that we have onto canvas. Elder Magnusson described to him his thoughts as Jorge sketched on paper. We're very pleased with Jorge's colorful and creative interpretation, and look forward to displaying it in our home. 
We can see these colorful mangos and flowers as we leave our upstairs apartment and look out into our neighbor's yard.  After seeing these flowers and tree, you can understand why Jorge used such vivid colors in his painting.
This week was mission leaders' council. We joined with our zone leaders and sister training leaders in Belize as we all video-conferenced most of the day with those in El Salvador where President Adams conducted.  (From left to right) Elders Christopulos, Ramos, Fife, and Glines; Sisters Donakey and Thompson, Paul Woods, and our friend from Caye Caulker Frank Ross.
We gathered for this unique group photo of the mission leaders' council--we in Belize on the video screen behind those gathered in El Salvador.
We have enjoyed following President Nelson's Pacific Ministry Tour that started this past week.  His first visit on Friday was to Kona, Hawaii; Saturday night he spoke to members and government officials in Samoa.
We listened with interest to his message to the people in Samoa.  In part he said, “Please protect your children. Help them to know the Lord, and love Him, and keep His commandments and be free from the shackles of addiction and bondage.” We know that this same message applies to all of us in Belize, or wherever we live.  Let's follow the Lord's prophet. 


  1. The painting is perfect! Thanks for sharing! CARRY ON! (We know you know that "It's not over til it's over!")

  2. I love the painting! Beautiful!

  3. What a perfect and beautiful way to capture the memories you will carry home with you of Belize. That painting is wonderful!

  4. So beautiful...not just the painting but you with the missionaries and Saints. See you soon!
